Shannon Combs-Bennett Photograph provided by chapter member |
"As a Daughter, I have learned other ways to support, honor, and remember my, and our, heritage thanks to the women of DAR who a century ago set the tone for the daughters of today."
- Ten days after President Wilson declared war on Germany in April 1917, the NSDAR held their annual conference. The outgoing President General, Daisy Allen Story, stated: "Our destiny is a high one as a nation, and the women of the country have as definite a duty today as they had in the time that tried the souls of men and women in 1776.”
- In total, 260 daughters went to Europe in military service. NSDAR member, Anne Penland, was the first United States nurse anesthetist deployed to the British front. Jane Delano, Director General of the American Red Cross, was also a NSDAR member who was key in recruiting 25,000 nurses for the war effort.
- Selling bonds helped offset the cost of war. NSDAR President General Sara Mitchell Guernsey was a member of the National Woman’s Liberty Loan Committee. NSDAR Chapters purchased $300,000. Individual members purchased $36.5 million, and the NSDAR sold more than $52 million.
- NSDAR members also became camp moms at local bases to provide the comforts of home.
- NSDAR Chapters assisted over 4,000 orphaned French children.